"Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names." (Ta Ha 20:8)
What does your Imam say about the ‘Trinity’?
Ask the people of the Before Books, “Do you believe in 3 separate gods?” (You will not find any who agree. This is a misunderstanding. There are three sides to Allah. Each side has a name.)
Did you know that you already believe in the Trinity?
Side 1 (Allah = Spirit) Q 21:91“Allah put His Spirit in Mary”. This means Allah has a Spirit. They are one.
Side 2 (Spirit = Isa) “Isa Ruhallah.” Isa=Jesus, Ruh=Spirit, Allah=God
Side 3 (Isa=Allah) Some historians credit Islam for giving us algebra. So if a=b, b=c, then a=c. Investigate where does "Trinity" come from? (see Is:14, Matt 3:16-17, 28:19, John 1:1&14)