What does your Imam say about the Before Books (Bible)? Can I tell you what I found in the Qur’an about the Before Books?
The Car Picture:
4 Tires – Torah = Book of Law
- Zabor = Book of Sacred Songs
- Qur’an = Readings
- Injil = Good News
“0” Zero (shape of tires) - “How many verses in the Qur'an claim the Before Books were corrupted or changed?” (Answer “0”)
License to read the Before Books 10:94. Yunus 10:94 “If in doubt ask the people of the Before Books” Ask, “If the Before Books were changed, would this verse be in the Qur'an”?
Head Lights 5:46. Al-Ma'idah 5:46 “therein was Guidance and Light” Ask, “If the Before Books were changed, would this verse be in the Qur'an?”
Warning Light 46:9. Al-Ahqaf 46:9 “...I am a Warner.” Surely he would have warned us if the Before Books were corrupted. He gives no warning.
Timeline (0-600) According to the Qur'an, you can trust any Injil that originates from manuscripts between the time period of Isa & Muhammad. An-Nisa' 4:47 “O People of the Book, believe in what we have revealed, confirming what was already with you."
Kazem (1000) – First notable Muslim leader to claim, “Bible has been changed.” Ask, “Who do you believe, Kazem or the Qur’an & Muhammad”?
If you still have doubts then ask yourself : "If all these writings are the Word of Allah, why then would he not protect them and let millions be led astray and cursed?