In Lesson 2 we talked about how there is nowhere in the Qur'an that states that the Before Books have been corrupted. The Qur'an affirms the great value of the Before Books and the people that faithfully follow them without altering them to their purposes.
We have already spoke of some ayahs like Q10 94 and Q5 46. But there are many other statements and questions that are still out there.
One such statement that is common is that the Qur'an is rightfully the “dictated” word of Allah and that even the original copies of the Before Books are only the “inspired” word of Allah written down by men using their own writing styles and personalities to taint the true meanings of Allah’s words. It is assumed that since the Qur'an was recorded using the direct and only words of an angle it is superior to the Before Books which are interpreted by the authors themselves but what does the Qur'an say about this?
It is actually very clear on the matter.
Please read Q21 105
Certainly We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder: ‘The earth – My righteous servants will inherit it. Surely in this (there is) a delivery indeed for a people who serve.
Here Allah ("We") says that he wrote this in the Psalms. Here Q21 105 is directly quoting Psalms 37 ayah 29 but now you have a problem. It is well documented that Allah did not write Psalms 37 but prophet Daud (King David the father of King Solomon) did. The Psalms were inspired by Allah and written by men. Allah, who knows everything, knows this yet says that he wrote this down. The value of Psalm 37 29 has the same value as if it was directly dictated by Allah himself!
With this in mind Allah’s word is Allah’s word no matter if it is in the Qur'an or the Before Books.
It is well documented both in the Qur'an and in the Before Books that Allah will protect his words and not one word can be altered or destroyed.
Once again the teachings of some men can be different from the actual teachings of Allah.